I recently got this as a forward. Even though i feel the sum mentioned in this article is grossly overstated its still worth a thought and maybe some more first hand primary research.Who knows maybe i can sell it to Madhur Bhandarkar for his movie Traffic Signal.
If i were to believe the article,a beggar does have a reason to smile..he apparently earns more than me.
But i am sure kalyan forgot to accomodate a finer few factors into his calcualtions.
Firstly, maximum cash during peak hours would mean 1 hr before office time and 1 hour after office time when the roads would be packed. Also amount given would consistently decrease as the month wears on...only to increase on the last working day.
It would take atleast 10 btm(beggar team members) to completely scan a 3 min signal. And i am sure the bpl(beggar proj leader) would convince them that the project revenue would increase if they sacrificed their arms or legs.
Thankfully, my pl has not asked me to do that...yet. But if it means more cash...
Like i said it required more research ofcourse..i just felt their situation
wouldn't be as bad one might be thinking...and loved ur last comment abt
comparison b/w the BPL and ur PL...True so true.Please send me ur mail id or
blog address.Thx for taking time to read my blog.Do visit again.
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